Thursday, December 27, 2012


This post has nothing at all to do with chocolate.  However, I cannot stop eating chocolate.  Tomorrow I have to stop.  And then I have to go to the gym.  And then drink a lot of water instead of hot chocolate or root beer.  Ug.

Today I am supposed to be cleaning the house.  It has been in that post Christmas/post traveling disaster.  Clothes everywhere.  Christmas presents everywhere.  A shocking amount of shoes strewn around the house.  A cluttered bathroom with walls waiting to be painted.  And I don't want to do anything about any of it.  I have gotten the living room picked up and am ready to vacuum.  The kitchen is under control and even swept and mopped.  And most of the Christmas presents are put away.  I'm about to start sewing a baby present.

So, since I'm obviously avoiding doing actual work, let's see what I got for Christmas.  My sweet hubby got me a new charm for my Pandora bracelet.  A cupcake.  And we're eventually getting a new living room TV for our big present.  My in-laws also got me a new Pandora charm, a sea shell, they're taking us all to the beach this summer for our Christmas present.  I am so blessed to have married into such a wonderful family. Not because they take me to Florida to vacation, but just because they are super nice and wonderful people.  I've inherited great cousins too, girls I really love hanging out with.

Okay, back to Christmas.  I got lots of great new house stuff.  My living room cozy factor has seriously been increased.
That is a new leopard print throw you see in the background.  I loooove it.  With the whole extended in-law family, we draw names.  One of the cousins I work with had my name.  She totally knows my favorite winter goodies.  I got a basket loaded with this cozy leopard print throw, a bottle of Moscato, a travel coffee cup, hot chocolate, and a yummy candle.  Perfect present.  I loved it so much.  

A pretty new turquoise and silver lamp.  Ooh, it's so nice.  That was from my sister.  We draw names with my family too, since with boyfriends & husbands included, there are 9 of us.  Nine in my immediate family.  Sheesh.  My oldest sister had my name.  I got this shiny new lamp base (Target) and fancy turquoise shade (Lowes).  It replaced the tiny lamp I had before that I'd made the leopard print shade for.  So much nicer.  And the pattern looks like the flooring my parents had in the 80s.  Amazing.

And in the background of this picture you can see a turquoise sweater-y throw.  That's from my sweet Mama.  So cozy.  We curled up under it last night and watched some TV.  And there's a book.  A Nicholas Sparks book.  Every year my husband buys me a book for Christmas.  This may seem like a super non-romantic gift.  But it's really the sweetest.  The first year we were dating he got my a subscription to Real Simple (this man seriously knows the way to my heart).  And every year since then I've gotten what he fondly refers to as a "trashy romance novel"  Every year it's something different.  And every year it ends up being a book I love.  It's so luxurious to spend a whole day during Christmas curled up, being lazy, reading my book.  I love it so much.  He totally knows how to take care of me.

And now it's time for me to be productive.  It really has to be done.  I have some burp cloths to make for a baby shower on Saturday.  Cloth diapers and monkey print flannel are waiting in the dryer, they've now been pre-shrunk and are ready to be sewn.

How was your Christmas?

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