Wednesday, December 5, 2012

We are Never Ever....

....getting back together.  Ug.  So I usually listen to Slacker radio at work, on the country station.  I get a little variety that way and music makes my day happy.  I have heard Taylor Swift's We are Never Ever Getting Back Together at least 4 times in less than 7 hours.  6 hours really because I was out of my office for an hour.  I feel like that's a ridiculously high play count for one song.  No other song is played that much.  And to make it better, a student came in while it was playing the first time.  Amazing.

Back to real things.  Like Christmas decorations.  Oh boy.  Remember how I had that great idea that I was going to put wreaths on my bay windows.  It was going to be amazing.  I got the wreath up on one of the windows.  Perfect.  Amazing.  I loved it.  I wriggled the ladder into the shrubs (behind the dead one) and got the wreath onto the window on the opposite end.  As hard as I tried though, I couldn't get my ladder in to get the wreath onto the middle window.  I considered actually climbing into the shrubs to hang it up, but that seemed like a really terrible idea.  The kind of idea that would involve me calling 9-1-1 from the shrubs.

So I gave up and hung my third wreath on another window.  It still looks okay, it's just not as cute as it should have been.
And you can see my zebra curtains through the window.  It's less noticeable in person.  A little bit anyway.

This year I have matching wreaths on my two front doors.  I made them last year for $5 a piece, two just plain fake garland wreaths from Walmart ($2.50/wreath) and a package of shatterproof gold and silver ball ornaments for $5.  $10 for two wreaths is not too bad in my opinion.  I just hot glued the ornaments onto the wreaths.  I had a silver wreath and a gold wreath.  Last year the gold wreath went on the mantle and the silver one went on the door by the garage.  This year since the tree is in front of the fire place that wreath moved to the other front door.  I don't think I decorated that door last year for some reason.  That seems strange. 

I'd been thinking about painting my doors turquoise instead of the red.  Looking at these pictures though, I am completely in love with the red with the grey trim.

My husband asked if I wanted to put up outside Christmas lights.  I don't think we will.  I don't really see the point.  We don't do tons of Christmas entertaining.  And it's just the two of us.  We live fairly far off the road so I just don't think it's worth it.

How bout you?  Anybody else being tormented by Taylor Swift music all day long?  Or for reals.  How are you decorating the outside of your house for Christmas?  Or are you like me and just realized you failed to decorate part of your house?

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